Beat the Market Articles Reference Stock Research Premium Members

Stock Portfolios to Get Started

Stock Portfolio to Create Wealth

We will be making some changes at the end of January 2008. The Conservative Starting Out Portfolio will be closed. This will allow us to focus more of our attention on the free Starting Out Portfolio that use to be named the Aggressive Portfolio. We are also changing the Premium conservative Portfolio to focus on key sectors, following a sector rotation strategy to beat the market.

Our Starting Out Portfolio is designed for anyone starting out to build wealth. Beginning each year with $10,000 in capital it is designed to help you learn how to invest and trade without risking substantial capital. Access to these portfolio is free to anyone and we hope you take advantage of the opportunity to learn how to invest and trade, as well as make some money. The trades for the Starting Portfolio are posted at the end of the day after the market closes. Complete results for 2006 and 2007 Starting Out Portfolios please see the links on the left of this page. Keep in mind that only Premium Members receive email notification of trades.

I expect the market to move lower over the next several weeks. If the opportunity presents itself, I will look to go short. Otherwise, will remain in cash and have money ready to buy some good companies at lower prices when this pull back hits support and starts to move up.

Starting Out Portfolios

These selections are for demonstration purposes only and should not be considered as recommendations.  Please consult your financial advisor before committing your capital.

Starting Out Portfolio

This portfolio is designed for those who have $10,000 or less to invest or who want to test this approach for themselves before committing more capital.  We select the stocks for the Investing Portfolio using our established discipline that seeks balance growth with proper capital management.  We may also include special situation stocks if we find a company that is worthy of consideration.  Such companies will be identified as such.  These selections are for demonstration purposes only and should not be considered as recommendations.  Please consult your financial advisor before committing your capital.

Most Recent Trades, Stop Adjustments and Notices (Our Premium Portfolio Members receive email announcements of these action and they are provided with an in depth explanation of my rationale for each trade to help them learn and apply Trading Online Market's principles.)

Most Recent Trades and Stop Adjustments


Trade Action

1/23/08Sell 20 shares of SDS at the target of 68 generating a $78 profit or 6.1%.
1/17/08Buy 20 shares of Proshares Ultra Short S&P 500 (SDS) at 64.105 (the high of the day to account for slippage and commissions). The first target is 68 and the trailing stop is 11%.
1/15/08Sell 20 shares of DIG @ 99.70.
12/6/07Buy 20 shares of DIG @ 109.35 (the high of the day to cover slippage and commissions). First target is 121 with a 93.03 initial stop.
7/3/07Raise the stop on EMC to 16.05.
6/4/07Buy 100 shares of EMC @ 17.24 (the high of the day to cover slippage and commissions. First target is 20 with a 15.23 initial stop.

Starting Out Portfolio - starting capital$10,000      Dividend, not included in gain1/24/2008
        Unrealized  Realized
SymbolTrade DateBuy Price*SharesCapital InvestedCurrent PriceStop LossTargetGain / (Loss)Gain / (Loss) %Sell DateSell PriceShares soldGain / (Loss)Gain / (Loss) %
EMC 06/04/0717.24100 $   1,724 16.2319.8325.00 $ (101)-5.9%     0.0%
DBA01/11/0836.6530 $   1,100 35.0531.1941.00 $   (48)-4.4%     0.0%
SDS01/17/0864.1020 Sold 56.7168.00  1/23/07 68.00       20   $     78 6.1%
DIG12/06/07109.3520 Sold 93.95121.00  1/15/07 99.70       20   $   (193)-8.8%
Capital Invested  $   2,824     $ (149)-1.5%   $   (115)-1.2%
Capital Available  $   7,062            
Current Portfolio Value    $           9,736  Portfolio Performance YTD-2.6%
          Portfolio Performance CUM, since Jan 200627.3%
*High of trade day (chosen to help cover slippage and commissions)   S&P 500 YTD -8.65%

Conservative Portfolio

Most Recent Trades, Stop Adjustments and Notices (Our Premium Portfolio Members receive email announcements of these action and they are provided with an in depth explanation of my rationale for each trade to help them learn and apply Trading Online Market's principles.)

Most Recent Trades and Stop Adjustments


Trade Action

11/29/07Buy 50 shares of Utilities Select SPDR (XLU) at 42.75 (the high of the day to cover slippage and commissions). First target is 48 with the initial stop trailing 7% of the bid price.
8/7/07Buy 50 shares of DVY at  69.54 (the high of the day to cover slippage and commissions). Target is 75 and initial stop is 65.43.

Conservative Portfolio - starting capital$10,000      Dividend, not included in gain1/8/2008
        Unrealized  Realized
 TradeBuy CapitalCurrentStop Gain/Gain/Sell DateSellSharesGain/Gain/
SymbolDatePrice*SharesInvestedPriceLossTarget(Loss)(Loss) %Pricesold(Loss)(Loss) %
DVY 08/07/0769.8750 $   3,494 61.1365.4375.00 $ (437)-12.5%     0.0%
DVY 01/03/08            $    31.32   
XLU11/29/0742.7550 $   2,138 43.2440.3948.00 $    25 1.1%     0.0%
Capital Invested  $   5,631     $ (412)-4.1%  $    31.32  $      -   0.0%
Capital Available  $   4,369            
Current Portfolio Value    $           9,588   Portfolio Performance YTD-4.1%
          Portfolio Performance CUM, since Jan 20062.8%
*High of trade day (chosen to help cover slippage and commissions)  S&P 500 YTD -5.32%

As you learn more about investing and trading and grow your portfolios, you can move up to our Premium Portfolios. Starting out with $100,000 in capital these portfolios are designed to guide you how to create substantial wealth using more advanced investment, trading and portfolio management techniques.  These portfolios are available for a free 4 week trial and then by subscription ($59.95 per quarter, $199.95 annually, a 20% savings over the quarterly rate).  As a Premium Member you have access to:

  • our detailed watch list;
  • the reason we are making our trades to help you learn why we are making each trade;
  • our weekly Market Commentary, a newsletter on key aspects of the market and its expected moves;
  • immediate email notification of any trades or stop adjustments; and
  • any special situation opportunities that may present themselves.

The benefits of our approach are:

  • The site is suitable for people who cannot or do not want to watch the market every day. We are not day traders.
  • You see every trade in our demonstration portfolios, win or lose, not just some of the trades like other sites. Every trade is documented with the date, the price (set to the high of the day to help cover slippage and commissions), the target exit price and the initial stop. Premium members get to see the rational for the trade.
  • Premium members receive email notification of any trade, stop adjustment or other key event information. All trades are posted on the site shortly after the end of the day.
  • We have investment ideas for bull and bear markets, meaning we don't just go long all the time.
  • We try to teach you how to invest successfully, not just follow someone's recommendations.
  • We blend the strengths of fundamental and technical methods to successfully beat the market.

To help offset the costs of the free parts of this site, your donations are welcome. We use PayPal to offer a secure transaction, where we do not see any of your private information.  After all it belongs you.

Thank you for your support and for helping us to keep this part of the site free.

The content in Trading Online Markets is for educational and informational purposes only.  There is no offer or recommendation to buy or sell any security and no information contained here should be interpreted or construed as investment advice.  Do you own due diligence as the information is the opinion of Trading Online Markets and subject to change without notice.  Please be advised to consult your investment advisor, attorney or tax professional before making any investment decisions.  Trading Online Markets will not accept any responsibility or be liable for any investment decisions based on the information discussed here.


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