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Investing Articles

Learn to Invest

New Investors.
If you are just starting out on the investing path, then get started the right way.

Earnings Season - A time to be careful
During earnings season an unexpected announcement can have major ramifications.

Are you diversified? Many investors think they are diversified and therefore protected from the market�s risks (at least somewhat). Well, this might not be accurate.

Learn from your mistakes.
Repeating the same mistake time after time will lead to financial ruin. Discover how to learn from our mistakes and become a better investor and trader.

Compound interest.
Albert Einstein called compound interest the "greatest mathematical discovery of all time."

Buy Low, Sell High is Wrong.
Often said, but how do you know when the price of a stock is low?

Rules to Trade By.
Successful investors and traders know that to beat the market they must be disciplined. They cannot let emotion get in their way. Follow these rules and you will be well on your way to success.

Value and Growth Investing

Value plus Growth Investing Part 1
Which is the most successful way to pick wining stocks? Value or Growth? And how do you begin?

Value plus Growth � Part 2:  Free Cash Flow
Free Cash Flow is one of the best ways to analyze a company's fundamentals. It is straight forward and helps to disclose the real results of a company.

Retire Early

Stock Market Analysis and Trends

Monthly Market Trends.
An archive of the monthly market trends useful to get a historical perspective on the market's trends.

Interest Rates Move Stocks.
Does an increase in interest rates signal a decline in the stock markets and in the price of stocks?

Odds of a Recession
According to one view of the economy by the Federal Reserve the odds of a recession are 50-50. (new)

Ten Trends.
These ten macro trends provided a strategic framework for long term investment themes that are key to beating the stock market.

Stock Market Cycles
Follow the trend and you are much more likely to Beat the Market. See how the trend is your friend.

Pull Back or New Bear Market.
In June 2006, the market was moving down. What are the signs it was just a pull back and not a new bear market?

What the PE Ratio is Telling Us.
If the PE ratio follows history, it will continue to fall. This will bring stock prices down with it.

Market Trends.
Will the bull market continue?  Check my view.

Inverted Yield Curve.
Is it foretelling a recession? Well, check out the latest on the inverted yield curve.

Technical Analysis

ID Tops & Bottoms.
See how to identify changes in the market trend, a key ingredient to successful investing.

Setting Your Exit Target.
Knowing when to sell your stock is just as important as knowing when to buy.

Stop Loss Orders
One of the secrets to beating the market is to limit your losses. This technique is an essential part of any investor's or traders arsenal.

Trailing Stop.
Similar to the stop loss order, the trailing stop acts to protect a stock position. It is very useful when a stock price is rising over a period of time, with the trailing stop moving up based on key factors. It is an easy way to protect a nice profit and let your stock to continue to climb.

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